Jennifer will come to your home for three hours. She will restore, renew, and rejuvenate your wardrobe, creating 18 - 30 outfits.
TIME: 3 hours
Tap into the SECRET POWER of your unique color palette.
More than 90% of all communication is nonverbal. Your unique color palette empowers you, attracts others, and makes you unique. It informs your wardrobe, interiors, accessories, personal branding. During your PERSONAL COLOR DNA PROFILE, master colorist Jennifer Butler will draw from more than 4,000 color swatches to find the color harmonies that give you confidence and clarity. You’ll receive:
Your personal color DNA blueprint
Your color combinations, why and how to use them
One Free Continuing Education event
TIME: 1.5 - 2 hours
Jennifer will come to your home for three hours. She will restore, renew, and rejuvenate your wardrobe, creating 18 - 30 outfits.
TIME: 3 hours
Join a community of women who are dedicated to authentic beauty for a session of education, learning and fun. Bring six items to check to see if you should keep them and bring three items to give away. Learn what works and find out why.
TIME: 2 hours
Each Season Seminar is dedicated to bringing together your tribe and experiencing the shared qualities. Learn the strengths and opportunities fro growth of your own archetype, and learn how to work more effectively with the other seasons.
This 4 hour Season Seminar includes:
Shopping season-appropriate vendors
Networking with Members of your own Tribe
What clients say:
It’s the first time I didn’t have to soften my energy to match the room."
This completely changed the way I connect with my husband/children/parent.”
I understand myself in a whole new way."
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